Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mid-Trip Moods

If I were to tell you that an Indonesian woman was climbing all over my back this morning, would you believe me?

Ansana spa's soothing back massage at the Trident in Delhi was the perfect end to a wonderful week tour of the golden triangle (Jaipur, Agra, Delhi). Following the massage, mani/pedis were top priority before re-exposing our feet to the bug infested, sandy floors of all that is MICA.

Leave Trident. Back to reality. Arrived at the airport on time only to find out that our flight to Ahmedabad is experiencing a 3-hour delay.

What was an amazing day has been compromised by a few hours at the Delhi airport. More to come on our last day in Delhi when my feet are on the ground with spirits lifted.

Calm, cool and collected, the SMU crew landed in Ahmedabad for the second time, gathered our belongings and hopped into the tiger bus. (The name our MICA bus touts due to the infamous tiger sticker strategically placed on a side view mirror). 3:30 a.m. arrival at the glorious campus. Greeted by meowing peacocks.

I unpacked as soon as we walked through the door due to my OCD-esque personality, skyped some people I love and ahhhh...I can finally breathe.

Until tomorrow.