Flight from Ahmedabad to Jaipur: Short with a side of turbulence. Upon arrival, we were greeted by our private drivers in a huge, air-conditioned and CLEAN tour bus. YAY! Checking in our hotel was an attraction in itself. We were greeted with red dots and freshly cut flowery leis into a marbly decorated foyer of the Raj Mahal Palace. That's right...palace. Aquamarine rooms with tile floors and oversized king beds are a drastic change of scenery from what we have been accustomed to at MICA. And, did I mention hot water in the shower? We dropped off our bags and proceeded to begin our Jaipur journey. First stop: a beautiful marble temple.
Vibrant colors and hundred of people were at the other end of our camera lenses. With so much to see and so little time, it was up to our knowledgable tour guide to show us to the nearest site. Since our arrival into Jaipur was a bit late, the group opted out of sight seeing until tomorrow only to find ourselves at one of the finest jewelry stores in all of Jaipur! Without the help of my wonderful father, I myself haggled with Vismay until I finally and happily purchased a diamond/topaz ring. Not only did I get to pick out the ring, but I also got to wander downstairs inside the shop to see it reshaped, set and made exactly to my own liking. (Pictures to come, but it was absolutely amazing).
Dinner. RED WINE. Magic show at the Taj. Laughter. Hotel room. Simply amazed.
Tomorrow awaits. To Sunday elephant rides.