Day two of agency visits in Delhi: DDB Mudra and IMRB.
Just some things I've learned along the way...
Culture Shock: Part Deux
- Power failures that no one notices but us, Americans at agency visits, class, restaurants and even during turndown service.
- Instead of receiving change for a purchase, coins may be subbed for chewing gum.
- It is believed by many traditional Indian families that fathers who take money from their daughters, at any age, will not be a human in the next life.
- Head nods are opposite, meaning yes is a horizontal, bobbing movement, leaving us all lost in confusion after ordering ice cream only to get back an American signal for "no."
- No problem means it's not really my problem, but I will see what I can do.
- It is illegal for a doctor to notify parents of the sex of an unborn child.
- Dowry.
- 35 percent of the Indian population is illiterate.
- Women hold hands down the street in friendship, as do men of all ages (Believe it or not, these men are not homosexual, but simply affectionate). In some pictures, I have tried to capture some of these moments because it's one of the most amazing acts of humanity I've ever seen. Whether it be teenage boys walking home from school with arms on each other's shoulders or grown men holding hands on their way to work. It's a beautiful thing to see, and while I know American men (Kyle...Dave...Daddy) reading this will not understand, but it really is remarkable.
- On a similar note, in South India, applications have recently began including a third gender leaving gender options to be M, F, and T (transgender).
- Truckers sleep outside on cots when they need to pull over for a night's rest
- 30 percent of teachers are absent for their own classes, most work two or more jobs and are attending priority positions instead of teaching the youth. (Note: There is 1 teacher for every 441 students).
- There are 11 million new people looking for work each year in India.
- 40 percent of Indians live on less than $2 a day.
- Population 1.3 billion with 50 percent of that population under the age of 25.
- 330 million gods
- Only 1/3 of India has irrigation, leaving rural areas and food almost totally dependent on rain.
- Less than 1 percent of the population has insurance!
- Only 1 percent penetration of PC, yet it is the software capital of the world.
- "Anything you say about India is true--and so is the opposite"
To an infinite of unknowns and the beauty of knowledge.
Love and miss you all so much.
18 days.